Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Russian Collusion - STATE OF EMERGENCY

Folks, my bench press and deadlift are fine for the length of layoff I've had. Even my pitiful strict press is within "fine" ranges.

My SQUAT, however, is FUCKED.

I've been back in the gym since...what...January maybe? I have been teetering around a 245 pound max for weeks before breaking 255 (a grinder), and then a few more weeks of teetering before smashing 265 (another grinder). It was at this point I decided it was time to program around increasing my squat, time to stop fucking around.

Enter: EXRX.net Russian Squat Program Calculator

It's basically a web-based spreadsheet that lays out 6 weeks of squat training, 3 days a week.

I figured out the values and created my own spreadsheet, increasing the work to 5 days a week and adding full body weightroom training after each squat session.

Tuesday and Thursday I do high rep squats with low weight to focus on technique, or other exercises like pause squats or pin squats, front squats, etc.

Here it is, basically, Dread's Russian Squat Collusion: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VMynd4PJ-NIKgZ1aow6QcO1y7g09bi1oWOFGGg9Ds0Q/edit?usp=sharing

The "accessory" work in the bottom section can change from day to day. I basically try to hit a compound movement for squat, row/pull, bench, and press and then fill in with isolations like biceps, later raises, calf raises, and abs.

The goal here is to prove that it's not physical weakness that's holding me back, as I plan to smash right through the 278 goal of the program. I know I'm strong enough but there's something fucked upstairs that's getting in the way. If I completely fuck this up I'll let you know.

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